About Us
Musicchatter is a new site dedicated to alternative, indie, or whatever other label you may want to put on really good and cool music. This site has been a long time in the making for us, and we know we still have a long way to go. But we originally conceived the idea at coachella 2013 to have a one-stop place for true music fans. We want to help fans hear the newest music out there, and to also discover older stuff that may have slipped by. We will have vendors offering merchandise that relates to the type of music we cover. We believe that many people hear this great music, but they just don’t know what they are hearing. So we hope to help point out these songs that appear in tv commercials, talk shows, etc. It’s our attempt to enlighten people to great music and maybe help some bands get more exposure that they deserve. But we also want to hear from other music fans. So musicchatter will feature a forum called ‘chatterboard’ that will allow interaction between fans. It will take us a while to build all the content that we want on here, but we were excited to go ahead and get the site up and running. So if you have comments or suggestions, please contact us. We want musicchatter.com to be the premier site for fans of the best music.